My first Solo Show outside of music photography will take place at the Modus Operandi gallery in Madrid, in the Barrio de Las Letras flat. It will be from January 12, 2023 that the inauguration will take place and until February 13 of that same year.
During the 4 weeks of the exhibition, the Frontis Secante collection can be seen, a photographic and plastic work on the way of observing, the point of view and the architectural obliquity of the city.
“The notion of time and space occasionally coincide. In extreme situations, they line up to generate a dimension like the one presented in this work, where unreason obtains a more constant value than the very principle of the existence of the city. Just an urban reality devoid of natural elements is evidenced: a pure artifice to facilitate the comfort of its inhabitants through the substitution of the natural for the infrastructure.
”And if the construction and reconstruction is a fact in the historical tradition, the author proposes a reflection on the ways of seeing, the perspective and the different faces of that city, and its iconic architectural emblems.”
“Facing the work from the uniqueness would be limiting, therefore, Frontis Secante is proposed as an alternative to the only point of view. The frontality acquires an infinite character and provides each work not only with a rigid space from where to establish the focus of attention but rather giving the possibility of more than one visual reading.The whole of the work is conceived for its multiple observation, thus forcing the viewer towards a triangular gaze, expanding its context and inviting the observer towards the multiple reflection.”
“The visual universe increases as the viewer is exposed to each of the individual proposals and the reading is not restrictive or exclusive; it opens up to the free interpretation of the observer, resulting in a truth that suffers in all its breadth. .”
Hernando Gómez
University professor and researcher.
Area of specialization: Construction of the Photographic Image.